The photographer Dudu Medeiros began contributing to aesthetic dentistryin 1998 at the Dickson Fonseca Dental Office, where he took the first steps towards what later became Protocolo Fotográfico de Face (Facial Photographic Protocol): photo shooting patients before and after their dental treatment and materializing those images (space) in a language represented by lighting, framing, make-up, and art. Dudu'sart photography did subtly enhance aesthetic improvements, appraising the performance of both dental and laboratory teams.

A dream came true through Click, a company which is a new source of artistic images for aesthetic dentistry. Models (space) from top agencies were selected for their unique smile and face beauty to value the environment of the best dental offices all over the world. Besides providing customized work for plastic surgeons and aesthetic dentists, Dudu Medeiros supplies art photography for company marketing, dental or photography courses, case presentation and lectures, with excellence and quality. A book featuring the unique dental photography skills of Dudu Meideros is now also available.

